E-mail SPAM and Unsolicited Messages

Here at Etonic Networks we take spam very seriously!
Having said that, if your email bounces off of our network, don't panic.
Please contact us via the Contact button above. We are more than happy to assist you. Make sure you include details such as
your name, your email provider, and the error message you received. The message typically reads "No MTA service for unsolicited email" followed by a code such as ENxx.
(xx is a 2 digit code) That basically means that our email filters detected something suspicious about the way your email is comming into our network. That could mean any number of things
including but not limited to: an actual spam message, a message that contains a virus, malware, or a link to malicious websites, a misconfigured email server, or a blacklisted IP or MTA.
Please provide as much information as possible when contacting us.
Thank you